The September 2011 format also known as “Tengu Plant Format” is far beyond a one deck format. While people often remember a select few decks such as Tengu Plants,Agents and T.G.s there is so much more this format has to offer. Our library features a total of 72 decks all of which feel extremely good to play. While some decks are better than others I can confidently say that at least 30 of the decks on this list are tier one. The rest are mostly tier 1.5 or at the very worst tier 2. This is due to the raw balance of the format. The addition of consistency cards like Pot of Duality and generic responses to opponents power plays with the likes of Solemn Warning and Effect Veiler, creates the healthiest game state the game has ever seen. This gives every deck a stronger, safer feeling while being played due to the ability to now respond generically to the many power cards in existence. Not to mention the meta of this format doesn’t revolve around making unbreakable boards or multi negates. This means that every deck is more so focused on interacting with their opponent and playing a back and forth game. The gameplay feels extremely skillful and it’s absolutely a blast! Great for beginners and veterans alike! Be sure to check out our library and play some games with friends!
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