Top 5 Off Meta-Meta Decks for September 2011

With the launch of our massive 72 deck September 2011 library. We at TCG Rewind felt it would be good to go over some of the decks in the library people may initially overlook. These are all tier 1 decks that may seem a bit strange or unorthodox at first glance. 

Lancer Frogs: One of the many mysteries of the September 2011 format is the fact that this deck was completely untouched during the era. As we’ve seen from formats like Edison, frogs have consistently been a powerful archetype. Sea lancer was released in Generation Force and the “Lancer Frogs’ ‘ deck is arguably at its strongest in 2011. The deck saw its first major event top in 2012 at YCS Providence. Having access to 3 Tour Guide to reach Sangan early and search out basically any card in the engine makes this deck a force to be reckoned with.

Nordics: At YCS Toronto 2011 Dave Trepanier made top 32 with the Nordic archetype. He was the first to make this deck successful and the build feels incredibly strong to play. Not only is it great because people just don’t know how to play against it. In general the pressure of the deck on your opponent is potent. Tanngnjostr of the Nordic beasts can be dropped after your opponent swings over a Tengu or Sangan and threatens an otk on the next turn with the likes of Ancient Sacred Wyvern. Additionally since the deck runs Tour Guide and Tengu it can easily be masked as a Tengu plant deck for game ones. This can cause your opponent to carelessly attack into your floater monsters and get punished. The archetype literally has Thor. We gotta give the marvel hero the credit he deserves with this deck. 

Psychics: Psychics were another deck that didn’t see any play in 2011 but popped off later in Jeff Jones Grandsoil Psychics in 2012. That being said the deck is incredibly floaty especially in the list made for the 2011 library maining both Tengus and a small T.G. engine. Psychics can freely plus off their synchros without committing to their normal summons. Not to mention Ultimate Axon Kicker is such a powerhouse. A monster with piercing that can’t be destroyed by card effects is no joke. Psychics are easily tier 1 in September 2011 they were just unfortunately incredibly underexplored for their time. 

Macro Cosmos: Macro Cosmos has been an annoying floodgate in just about every meta since the cards release. What separates the macro deck in 2011 from its Edison variant is raw consistency. The addition of pot of duality to the deck made an incredible difference for finding the missing pieces to get your D.D. Survivor and Macro/Difi combo online. Also Vanity’s Emptiness being both at 3 and unbreakable when combined with Macro Cosmos means you can turn off your opponent’s graveyard and special summons. I’d say that’s pretty strong in a format so heavily reliant on both of those things. 

Zombie Monarchs: Edison format recently had a Zombie deck take a large tournament win and with good reason. The deck has a ton of play options. Even with Mezuki and Plaguespreader Zombie sitting at one for so long the deck still manages to find its way to the top. Proving that Zombies as an archetype are truly undead in 2012 Nareg Torossian got top 4 with his Zombie Monarch deck. When analyzing the deck it’s clear to see the deck did well in 2012 which is arguably a tougher meta to succeed in compared to 2011’s meta.Other than the obvious extra deck changes with the available 2011 xyz pool; the 2011 build gets access to an extra Tour Guide in exchange for the 3rd call of the haunted, the 2012 build was capable of running. That’s it, that’s the only change we made. It’s no surprise the list is tier one in 2011. 

That’s it for our list. Be sure to give these decks a download and test them out yourself. There are many underrated decks in the format but we’re certain these will feel really good to play if you haven’t tried them before.  

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